Life With EFG

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Happy Mother's Day to ME!

While I was sitting at my desk on Friday, a reminder popped up on my phone: “Muffins for moms.” It’s usually the kick off to Mother’s Day weekend, a little treat to look forward to. Cancelled this year, obviously. Of all the things cancelled, it’s the least of them. I can easily get a muffin or something even more yummy, but it was just another little sting. Another little reminder that things are different.

Different isn’t always worse. But it does require more energy to figure our way through it. To find new patterns and new routines. Silly things from not being able to run out to the store to pick up a Mother’s Day card meant I made due with what I had at home. To big things like, how do I want to spend Mother’s Day when we’re stuck at home with limited resources?

Ideally, I’d like to lie on the couch and watch movies all day while someone hands me cookie after cookie, but realistically that’s probably not going to happen. We did make cookies though, and we may attempt to watch a few minutes of a movie, but it will likely be a day similar to every other day we’ve had in quarantine.

If we’re lucky it won’t be raining (or snowing!) and we’ll get outside to play. Otherwise I’ll make the kids run laps inside the house to burn off energy. When we do get outside, E has been obsessed with the hose. He can turn it on and off, and likes to fill up the watering cans. He loves to watch for cardinals (his favorite) but dislikes robins and bees. G on the other hand likes to hang out by the fence and watch for cars to drive by. Every time one does, he points and goes “OOOOH!”

I don’t think I have a point to all of this, just to mention that this year is different than past years, but it’s okay. We’re okay. We’ll play outside and spend a lot of time together and read a ton of books. I’ll squish my two little tiny humans that made me a mama and make sure we call my mom too, and think about all the other Mother’s out there that we haven’t seen in a while. And I hope however you’re celebrating Mother’s Day, you’re okay too.

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