Life With EFG

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We Have a WALKER!

Well, another walker I guess.

But baby G is finally walking! Or he did it twice, and hopefully he’ll decide it’s something he likes, and will continue to do it. I’m so sick of having my phone out all day, every day, waiting for the moment. Because it felt like it was going to happen all month. He’s been standing and almost taking steps, but deciding he didn’t really want to. He’d rather crawl, or “walk” on his knees.

I knew I had E’s on tape, so of course I wanted G’s too. Mama guilt and all that. But it made me realize that I’m not sure I ever posted this video.

So just in case, here’s E walking!

This was only days after E turned 1, so we’ve been a bit shocked that G hit 15 months and still wasn’t walking. Not that we were worried about him hitting milestones, more because we thought he’d want to run after his brother, because he wants to do everything his brother does. And we’ve sworn for months that he could walk, if he really wanted to. He had the strength and balance to stand. He just didn’t seem interested? We tried to convince him that it was super fun, but nope.

So what finally convinced him?

Baby Shark.

I’m serious.

E asked us to play it, something he hasn’t done in almost a year. Since we have no reason to say no to the few things we’re still allowed to do, I started playing it on my phone. I wasn’t sure if G even knew the song, since it’d be so long since we’d played it. It was quickly obvious that not only did he know the song, he LOVED it. He stood up and started doing the hand motions. I’m sure we have daycare to thank for teaching him the whole song, and it was adorable.

He was so into it, and so steady on his feet, I said something to Tom about how I bet if I moved across the room he’d just walk to me.

Grabbed Tom’s phone, turned the video on, and moved across the room with my phone still playing baby shark. And he just walked right after me. I was laugh/giggling so much because I couldn’t believe he just did it. Not a step or two… just walked clear across the room.

We KNEW he could. It just took baby shark…

And now the video. Of course, since we had to wait for so long, you do too (okay 3 minutes, or skip to the end). Here’s a video of many of his efforts, followed by his first steps/walk. Because of course this baby decides to go all out when it happens.

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