Pumpkin Month


Every single day, E wakes up and asks if we can go trick or treating.

I kind of thought he’d forget about trick or treating after a year, but three year olds have amazing memories. Besides the fact it’s the first week of October and trick or treating is not really an option, I’m not sure there will be trick or treating this year, period. We’ve been debating doing an egg hunt in the yard, or trick or treating just to the neighbor’s house, but either way, we’ll need some distractions for the next few weeks.

So far we’ve decorated foam pumpkins, made monster cookies, and took a trip to a garden center to find pumpkins. It’s the same place we went last year, and even pre-covid it’s just more our speed. The big pumpkin patches get very crowded and overwhelming. Not great for toddlers, and not great when you’re afraid of people because they’re going to give you a deadly disease.

So we went first thing in the morning, and were the only people there. We ran around, picked out some pumpkins and took some pictures. I’m all about any activity that can feel a bit “normal” and still feel safe. E’s favorite part was all of the painted pumpkins for sale. He found a Cookie Monster one, and was super excited. G chose a baby shark one over an Elmo, which hopefully isn’t a bad sign for our coming Halloween costumes.


We’ll see how many pumpkins we end up with before Halloween as a distraction from the fact we’re still not trick or treating haha. Apparently baking with apples is no longer a good enough distraction. I offered to make chocolate filled apples yesterday and E started crying and said “No more apples!” Whoops. Maybe we’ll cook a pumpkin next.

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