

Today it finally happened. After hearing about it all the time but never experiencing it, someone paid for my Starbucks order in the drive through! It's like winning the random acts of kindness lottery. You feel special and chosen, and it instantly cheered me up. And boy did I need cheering up. It was the whole reason I was in that drive through line. And in case you're wondering, yes I did pay it forward (backward?) and paid for the person behind me. You better believe I was passing on that insta-good mood karma.

So we got snow last night. Not a lot, but then it rained and it was a wet, nasty, heavy, slippery mess out there. And so daycare was delayed. It wasn't the end of the world. I had a chaotic morning with both kids while Tom cleared the driveway, but it was okay. E slept in a bit, we had some extra time to play, it was kind of nice.

Since Tom needed to work, I did drop off. We pulled into the parking lot and I managed to actually get a space, so I was able to walk him in, instead of hand him off to one of the waiting staff outside. The garbage truck was there picking up trash, so E was super excited and kept pointing at it.

But it must have been the schedule change, or the fact that I was dropping him off when I usually do pick ups, because when I said goodbye, the tears started. He threw himself in my arms and clung to me and wouldn't let go. Begged me not to leave. And I could have taken him home with me. I wasn't going to work, I was only dropping him off to make my life easier and spend time with his brother. But it's also good for him to go to school, as I knew he'd recover quickly and have a fun day. Still it didn't suck any less as I handed him to his teacher and ran from the room as he screamed for me with his arms out.

So I headed to that drive through to cheer myself up. I'm not sure if Starbucks purposely opens stores next to daycares, but if they don't, they should. It's genius, and just what every parent needs. Because 20 minutes later I was home, drinking my coffee, and looking at a picture of a happy E playing with his friends at daycare.

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