Toddler Speak


I love all the weird sayings and phrases that toddlers come up with. I never correct them, and I always mourn when they disappear. When there’s a loud noise, E used to say “Oh so noise!” but now he says “I herr-d that!” Both are cute, but I miss his ‘so noise’ that he used to say. Just like he didn’t know the word for crayons, so he used to call them colors. The other day he told me he wanted to color with crayons. I’m thrilled he’s learning, but it’s a little sad to let go. No longer do I get the “Um-me!!” when he’s hungry. Now I get “want snacks!”

I also contribute probably more than I should. I’m sure there will be a day when he’s a bit older, that he’ll come home from school and yell at me that the correct response to “see you later alligator” is not in fact, “bye bye crocodile!” But it’s what we say here, and it makes me laugh every time. He’ll also probably tell me that “Baa Baa Black Sheep” does not go “One for my Mama, one for my Dah, and one for E and G who are very glad!” Even though that’s how we sing it here.

He still has cute things he says on his own, of course. The other day we were meeting up with friends, and when E got out of the car he ran up to Nicole and said “I have bic-ups! BIC-UP!” And whenever he sees something that’s orange, he says “Ah fae color” instead of “It’s my favorite color” except it sounds a little more like “Ahfeecolor!” because it’s all in one breath. For what it’s worth, he’s also told us that G’s favorite color is purple. We’ll see if G agrees (as soon as he can speak).

Speaking of which, I’m looking forward to the time when we have two little humans making cute statements in this house. E is working hard on getting G there. We’ve realized that G is a little mimic. If you make a sound or noise, he’s pretty good at repeating it back to you. And for whatever reason, there are some words that he can mimic pretty well, mostly ones that sound like “Eh-oh” Like hello or yellow.

So if you’re ever wondering why E is saying “yellow” over and over again in the baby’s face, that’s why. Because every once in a while he’ll say it back.


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