Life With EFG

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Still Here

My goal was to write a post about how tired I am, and explain that’s why I haven’t been posting much anywhere. But I’m so tired it seems overwhelming to do this?

That’s what happens. When I’m tired, overwhelmed, or haven’t had enough down time, my creative brain goes away. I can barely think or form sentences, let alone do anything additional.

It’s too bad, because creating of any kind, is one of the things that makes me feel like me. Makes me happy.

I’ll get back there. I assume I’ll sleep again. There will be a day where I don’t have to spend every ounce of energy I have to hold a child or give them attention. In case you haven’t already guessed, Sicktober is in full effect over here. You may remember that we’ve already gone through two rounds of croup, and now we’re dealing with my personal favorite, unknown virus.

No one really knows what it is, when it will go away, or what’s going on or how to treat it. It appeared on Saturday with a 103 fever, and has been bouncing around ever since. Of course it’s also possible it’s an UTI or both, but either way it’s made the baby miserable for a while, and has meant no sleep for him (or us).

Of course the no sleep goes back further than that. I think we’re in week two of interrupted sleep for one reason or another. Mostly the baby has been having a rough time (Sicktober I blame you), but also random power outages, migraines… all contributing to my zombie like state.

So no sleep stinks. But Sicktober also ruins our days. With fussy babies and toddlers who don’t understand why a younger sibling is suddenly getting more attention. It wears you down. Also because this month is supposed to be a month of FUN! The internet tells me so. And we want to be able to get out there and have fun too. And so we do.

But it is exhausting.

So we’ll share when we can, but if you’re wondering where we are.. we’re here. Just sleepy.

(He doesn’t looks sick does he?)

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