Sibling Love


We were driving home from daycare the other day, and E was happily holding G’s hand in the backseat. See, every day he makes me slide their seats together after I’ve strapped them in, so they’re close enough to touch. E was talking as he does, about 50% words that I can understand with lapses into his own made up talk. One thing came through clearly though: “My G. He’s my G.. FOREVER. Brother. My brother.”

These two love each other something fierce, and it’s so special to watch. I love to think about how their relationship will grow in the future. Will they live near each other and get together to BBQ on the weekends? Will they be in each other’s weddings? Will their kids be close? Maybe they’ll travel the world together.

However, there is one downside to them being so close. Germs. If one of them has something, so does the other. Which is why when G got sent home from daycare the other day with a fever, I picked up both kids. I knew it wouldn’t be long before his other half got it. And sure enough, the next day E woke up with the same fever.

Now before you freak out, I don’t think it’s COVID-19. We’re not that exciting yet. The flu has been making its way through daycare, and I think it’s our turn. We’re extremely lucky that we’re able to work from home and take time off when we need to, so we’re hanging out here for the near future. It feels a little weird waiting to see if or when Tom and I will get sick, but there’s not much else you can do when the tiny ones like to sneeze in your face and shove their fingers in your mouth.

So far they seem like they’re handling things okay. There’s a lot of extra tears, and moaning, and cuddles, but as long as we keep their fevers under control, they’re doing okay. At least they’re going through it together?

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