Why Choose One
...when you can have four different pregnancy announcements!?
Honestly it was lack of vision. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do. So I sort of did everything? What ended up happening is different people saw different announcements at different times or places. Here's a round up of most of them.
The Shoes:
Just for traditions sake, I did take a bunch of pictures with converse sneakers, but I kind of wanted to do something else, especially since we were working with a Christmas theme.
Oddly enough I had this Christmas shirt from the last time I was pregnant! I ordered a shirt for E with the intention of having him wear it to church one day, but it also works as a cool announcement together with mine. His says "Santa is promoting me to big brother"
The Poem:
I did this one on Facebook, along with a few pictures. It's also on a letter board in our house, just because it's fun!
‘Twas 20 weeks before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The stockings were still packed away with care,
Not quite ready for St. Nicholas to be there.
E was nestled all snug in his bed,
While visions of sugar plums danced in his head.
Mama and Dad were asleep in their room,
Excited for the day that would be coming so soon.
Now E has big news to share with you,
“Christmas day is when my new sibling is due!”
A few more months of growing to go,
By the time they get here, the ground will be covered with snow!
So until then we wait, to know you by sight,
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a goodnight!
The Storks
We went on a family vacation recently, and I decided to decorate the rental house. There were banners and signs and things hanging from the ceiling, but the first thing you saw when you drove up where storks lining the driveway and path to the house. This is how I told my parents. My mom got it, my dad laughed and told me "Ha, your mom thinks there's a baby!"
Or I could always have done what I kept telling Tom I was going to do at work, after I kept forgetting to tell them. It was reaching the point where I was obviously showing, and I think people were noticing, but a lot of them still didn't know for sure. I told Tom I was going to make a sign to hang over my desk that just said "Totes Preggers BTW!" It still might have taken them a few days...