Life With EFG

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Thanksgiving 2017 Edition

E's first Thanksgiving was pretty awesome.  We spent the day at my Aunt's house hanging out with her, her husband and my cousin Brooke.  And of course Lillie - who was E's favorite by far.  It's not every day he gets licked in the face by a dog! 

It was definitely a change from last year, when we were just letting some family in on the secret that E was on the way!  Instead, this year we had a very active little baby to entertain and take care of.  It's a very different life, but it almost seems like we've been doing it forever.  

It was the perfect kick off to our holiday weekend.  E got lots of cuddles and attention, we got a bit of time with our hands free, and E even ate a green bean at dinner! (and then passed out afterwards from all of the excitement).  There were no tears in the car, the food was awesome, and it was all around a great day.  The only thing that could have been better was if Dan and Carly (and Winnie!) were with us, as their presence was especially missed, but we'll make up for it in a few weeks!  HASHTAG SO EXCITED!  haha

Until then, I better get to packing and pulling out all the winter clothes.  Stay tuned!  

In the meantime, E is totally ready with his winter gear... or something

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