A Super Fun Birthday Party


Although I'm still shocked that that she's somehow a year old, I'm going along with it for now.  Which involved going to a first birthday party even though she's got to be like 9 months max, right?

And because you all know how crazy I am, I had to jump in and help push the decorations over the top.  I think it distracted me from the fact this baby is about to start walking soon.  So once the theme was picked, and a general idea sketched out, we went to town on all the decorations.  Oh you want a banner you say?  How about I make two?  Cupcakes aren't enough, how about a smash cake too?  That plus ALL THE SNOWFLAKES made it an amazing Winter ONEderland experience.  

Ever the amazing hostess, Nicole had the best food and drinks (seriously, a hot cocoa bar!) and had also printed out a million pictures of the birthday girl over the year.  I think she had more pictures on display than I've printed of E period.  It was crazy to see how much this little one has grown and changed over the year! The past 12 months might have gone fast, but they were definitely filled with love, happiness and adventures.  


The best part of the day was seeing how many people came from near and far to show this little one how much she was loved.  It was amazing the sheer number of people who were there.  And for all of that excitement and stimulation, she did great.  A little confused at times about why everyone was focused on her and singing songs, but mostly she just wanted to play with toys and hang out with her buddies.  It's hard to get pictures of babies who are in constant motion though! 


We spent the rest of the weekend recovering from the fun and trying to get back on our schedule and also crying a bit at the fact that in 6 short months, this will be E!  Until then we're back to working on things like crawling and eating and figuring out how to get the kitty to pay more attention to us.  

Okay, so E wasn't a huge fan of the party hats haha.  But he did have a lot of fun.  So much fun he decided naps were not going to happen.  No way, not when there were so many faces to look at! 

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