Summer Parties

Recently we were invited to Nicole and Stephen's for a party and celebration.  Both sets of parents were in town as well as a lot of family friends that I've known since I was a little kid.  It was a great opportunity to catch up with everyone and talk weddings, and new houses, and other various life events (like Kelly's new baby who made an appearance at only 2 weeks old!). 

After months of absolutely no rain, of course it rained on the day of their party.  While it did keep us inside for most of the day, we were all a bit excited to finally get some rain.  It's funny how once you buy a house you start to care about things like rainfall totals and dead lawns. 

In any event, it didn't hurt the party at all.  We barely noticed the rain with all the amazing food to keep us occupied.  It was also an opportunity to spend some extra time checking out their cute new house!  

They've been in their house a little bit longer than we've been in ours, and it was inspiring to see how unpacked, settled, and decorated their house was.  Tom kept walking around and pointing things out to me: "Look! They have things hung on the walls!  And picture frames out!"  I think he's ready to be a bit more settled than we currently are haha.  I know we'll get there, and seeing their house definitely gave me some motivation to continue to work on ours. 

Especially since if we do, we would then be able to host a party of our own.  We are currently in no shape to be able to do that now, since I've been told that guests expect things like chairs and tables when they come over... 

However, we have discovered one benefit to having an empty house  - it's a lot easier to clean your floors!  We were ready a few minutes before we needed to leave the other day, so I took out the mop and quickly cleaned the downstairs before we left.  No furniture = no obstacles to avoid or objects to move.   So while you may not have a chair if you come over, rest assured that the floor will be clean enough to sit on.