Life With EFG

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Meet the Groomsmen: Jack

Jack Perkins Davidson
Groomsman/Minister, Childhood Friend of Groom
Associate Minister First Church of Christ Congregational in Redding, CT, AND NEW DAD!!!

I grew up with Jack; not through school, but through church (how fitting).  When my family started going to church regularly again in 4th grade, I met Jack in church school.  Unbeknownst to us then, church would be our connecting point through our lives.

There were a few years where we were the guys’ sections of the Youth Choir at First Congregational Church of Greenwich.  Jack was the Bass section and I was the Tenor section.

We were goofy together, we loved music together, and we appreciated the upbringing that we got from church together.  We would eventually become core members of the youth group.  We did musicals, participated in sunrise Easter services, went on mission trips, church retreats, played hours of sardines, and ate cartons upon cartons of Goldfish crackers.

Outside of church, we shared a love of music.  I was (and still am) the #1 fanboy of Jack and his best friend Jahn’s various forms of bands through the years (I totally still listen to Selfless Delicacy songs on my iPod).  Jack and I were also co-presidents of the Greenwich High School "Power Nap Club", and yes that is a thing.

As fate would have it, after parting ways for college, Jack and I would find ourselves both in Boston.  Jack is also indirectly responsible for my meeting Caitlin, in the first place, as he was the one who brought me to Old South Church.  Thanks to conflicts from his dual degree at Harvard Divinity School, he could no longer attend the Harvard Choir, and director Harry Huff said that the obvious solution was for Jack to come join his church choir.  I shortly received a call from Jack to the effect of “What are you doing Thursday nights? I found a church choir, we’re joining!”  5 years later, I’m still at Old South, Chair of the Music Committee, and am just finishing up 3 years of running the Young Adults Group with my soon to be wife -- after Jack paired the two of us up to run the group together.

Jack is the kind of person who cares for others.  He goes out of his way to make sure everyone who is around him feels a part of the bigger group and feels important.  Jack’s always looked out for me, and always finds a way to share a laugh and a smile.  I consider myself lucky to have had such a friend to grow up with, especially through several wonderful churches.  It is fitting and an honor to have Jack standing up with Caitlin and me on our wedding day, not only as a groomsman, but also as our officiating minister.

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