
Six Months

Holy personality baby!

I think month 6 is when things click for me. You’ve gone from generic baby who sits there and we fulfill needs, to a tiny adorable person. You’re fun now, you smile and laugh and interact. You’ll grab at our faces and try to eat our nose. You’ll laugh if I pretend to bite your hand. You still don’t give laughs away very easily, and increasingly make us work harder to get them, but they’re so rewarding when we do. Your personality is coming out more and more every day, and I love it.

Six Months

Nick Names: Bubba, Bubbabee, Ohhshh smoshhh
Height: 26.25 inches (27th percentile)
Weight: 17 pounds, 8 oz (47th percentile)
Head: 17 inches (41st percentile)
Special Outings: Daycare Halloween Parade, Daycare Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving in Cohasset
Visitors: No one!  
Loves: People and faces.  Trees.  Being outside.  
Hates: Hats and winter clothes, Being tired.  Still.