
Our Weekend

Last weekend Tom was sick for most of the day, which left me solo with the kids. I realized that I’ve been orchestrating life lately to ensure that I’m not alone with both of them except for our normal night routine. I’m not sure why I see those two as different. Maybe because we have such a routine to our nights, I view that as normal and not hard. And it’s not like I haven’t been alone with them - over Christmas there were multiple days in a row where it was just me and both the tiny humans. And of course there’s been other random days here and there, but I always end the day exhausted and feeling like I failed both of them. So for whatever reason, we’ve just made it so that most of the time it’s either two on two, or one on one.

Hello Minnie

I was listening to a podcast recently about perspective. They were specifically talking about renovations, but I thought the advice was great. It was basically saying that we should focus on the reasons behind why we went down a certain path in the first place, instead of thinking about small details that maybe didn’t turn out the way you wanted - focus on the big picture and the overall benefits to your life.

So you might not love the sink you picked out, or the fridge isn’t quite perfect, but if your goal was to have an updated and bright kitchen, if it still accomplishes that, that should be your focus. Remember the problems that you’ve solved and not the small details.

All that to say, we have a new car!