Election 2016

Not My America

I'm sick of hearing the excuses.  Don't try to claim you don't agree with the racist things Trump says, or try and convince me that he doesn't really mean those things.  Because the truth is, a vote for him was a vote of support for the hate he speaks.  And there are people in this country that are using that as an excuse to act out their truly racist ideals.  

The following are all compiled from various news outlets including CNN, twitter, personal accounts and local news sources.  This is obviously just a small sampling of what's been reported and verified, but I assure you these things are happening across the entire country.  

This Is Not the Post You Think It Is

It's homecoming week for Northeastern. It was always a busy week for me when I was still there - not as busy as Springfest week, but still busy.  I was on the student activity board that planned most of the events on campus known as CUP (The Council for University Programming).  It was an amazing experience, and gave me the opportunity to meet a lot of cool celebrities.  However since I've graduated, CUP has gone from getting cool people, to getting my heroes.  I'm not sure why it never occurred to me to try to get these people when I was there, but I have no problem enjoying them now as an alumni.  

This year's homecoming headliner was Amy Poehler.  Someone I've been trying to get in the same room with for years.  So it was a no brainier, even though it was a "past-my-bedtime" event on a work night.  And naturally I brought my best friend along.