
A Dino Encounter

It’s raining, it’s pouring, the dinosaurs were roaring?

Close enough.

We had a Saturday morning where all our plans were unexpectedly cancelled, but there was a dinosaur event in town… so obviously we checked it out. We walked into a room with some animatronic dinosaurs bouncing up and down and making noises. The kids spent a while trying to pet them and pretended to feed them, but much like trips to zoos with actual animals, they eventually got bored. Tom’s favorite exhibit was a little toddler that walked around roaring at everyone, but even that got old after a while.

A New Nursery

There's a lot of different questions you get asked over and over if you're pregnant - one of the more benign topics, though, has to with the nursery. Have you picked a theme? Is it done? What does it look like? It’s certainly an easier topic than symptoms or complications.

Four Months

You’ve done a lot of growing this past month, and I finally feel like I can say that I know you a bit. While you’re getting more and more content playing alone, you’re still happiest hanging out in our arms. When I do set you down to play, you’ve started to bat at toys and grab a few even. You’re getting frustrated that your hands don’t work the way you want them to, but you get so excited when you actually grab a toy.

You suck on everything, especially your fingers. You often have at least three fingers in your mouth at a time, and recently you’ve started sucking on your arm. Whatever you can get. (And when you can get one of our fingers, you go for that too!)