
One of Those Days

When I walked into the room, E was crawling under a crib and quickly disappeared from sight.  I laughed and gave a questioning look to his teacher.  "Oh he lost his purple ball under there.  He'll be back!"  And sure enough, he emerged from under the crib holding the ball in his hand.  He laughed, threw it across the room, and then continued to chase after it.  

It was Friday, thankfully.  The end to a long week.  E had a great day - better than I'd had, and I listened as his teacher recapped it.  A long nap, a skipped bottle, drinking from the sippy cup.  All good things!  I gathered up his stuff and tried to convince him to leave.  Since all his friends were there, it wasn't easy, and he was whining as I tried to balance him and all of his stuff in my arms.