Amusement Parks

Return to Maine

After 5 long years, we made our return to Maine!

It hadn’t felt like we’d been away that long, but the last time we were there G was just learning how to crawl. I guess the past few years disappeared somehow. (Okay I may have a few ideas how)

We rented a house in our favorite area and spent the whole week walking everywhere. E told us it was so much fun, and think about how much money we were saving on gas! Our kids even found a love of the beach this year and so we went every single day of our vacation. They dug in the sand, they splashed in the waves, and I think all 3 of them went under (either willingly or not).

Santa's Village

I go back and forth about how I want to spend our summers. Relaxing and lazy summers spent outside by the water? Or action packed and seeing all the things? Maybe I’ll alternate - rent a house one year for a slow paced vacation and the next year spend the summer going all over and seeing everything I want to see. Or maybe it’s a result of feeling so locked down the past few years due to the pandemic and getting used to being a family of five.

But as I’ve stated before, I’ve been itching to do more lately. So this summer I planned a few things that’ve I’ve been dreaming about. Number one? Santa’s Village!

I actually wasn’t sure if we’d do Storyland or Santa’s Village - I didn’t really feel strongly one way or another, but eventually I leaned towards Santa’s Village. I felt like our family likes Christmas more than fairy tales, and I heard the park had more shade for hot and sunny days.