Life With EFG

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April Happenings

Phew April is a busy month, and we still have a week left!

I think the small humans are feeling it too. Emotions have been high, boundaries are being tested, and we’re all exhausted. Luckily we’ve had plenty of fun too.

In our first piece of big news, we converted G’s bed from a crib to a toddler bed! Besides the fact that he asked (and that’s reason enough at this age I think), he was starting to learn that he could climb into it and I wanted to stop that before he realized he could climb out too. We made it 3 wonderful years with him contained, and now we’re working hard to make sure we don’t find him wandering the house in the middle of the night.

It’s been a huge adjustment for him, and he’s figuring out things like how blankets work and what to do with the freedom to wander around his room. Spoiler alert: He mostly walks around in circles confused. It’s also led to things like him turning off his sound machine and then waking up and crying because his sound machine is off. Or insisting that his light be on, and then waking up crying because his eyes hurt because his light is on. Being a toddler is hard, but I do love this age so much. Emotions are big, but problems are easily solved by cuddles.

At this point it’s been a week, and he’s slept on the floor more than in his actual bed. I’m not sure why, but at least we don’t have wake ups from him rolling off the bed? Instead he’s pretty much turned his room into his bed, with blankets on the floor, a bunch of pillows he stole from our room, and so many baa baas. But he’s happy and mostly sleeping through the night, so we’ll accept it.

In other news, you may know that F has been on a weird food strike. I wish I could say that things were “fixed” but instead I’ll say there’s been progress. She’s stopped outright refusing food, but she’s still not easy to feed. She’s drinking about 20oz a day, which is still 7-8 oz less than she was drinking a month ago, but she’s also gotten slightly better at eating. She’ll now accept cheerios, applesauce and peanut butter bread, and will occasionally taste something else. She also had a weight check and is up a pound! (After going 3 weeks without gaining an ounce). So we’ll take it! If I had to guess, she really just wants to eat food and once she figures that out, she’ll be fine. (But my kids love to prove me wrong, so anything’s possible).

All of the kids are super into Encanto lately, their first Disney movie. Of course they call it “Pruno” and really only want to see “the strong person” who is their favorite, but it’s been fun to watch their excitement. One of their friends just had an Encanto themed 3rd birthday, so they got to dress up as the characters and whack a pinata and have lots of fun running around.

It was also Easter last weekend, which probably deserves its own post. But life has pretty much been never ending parties for them (our daycare loves a reason to celebrate), which means extra craziness around here. At least the weather is getting warm enough to throw them outside, and F doesn’t cry every time we leave the house, so I’m taking that as another win.

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