Four Months

As of 12/29/2021

Nick Names: Chickadee, Smush moosh, Baby
Height: 25.5 inches (80th percentile)
Weight: 14 pounds 6 ounces (55th percentile)
Head: 16 inches (51st percentile)
Special Outings: B&N
Visitors: Grandma & Grandpa
Loves: Brothers, TV, Christmas Lights, Pink unicorn
Hates: Nap time, Being put down, Mama sneezes

More than once this month I’ve said that I think we’ve found our loudest child. You have found your voice and you love to sing and make everyone know that you have opinions. You are making sure that you will not be a forgotten third child. I’m not sure how you could be, you’re everyone’s favorite. Even the cats like to come check on you multiple times a day. Your siblings are still your favorite - after a particularly fussy day, the first time you seemed truly happy was at the end of the day when I set you up watching G.

You love your feet lately, and often have one in each hand as you roll around on your back like a ball. You’ve lost interest in actual rolling though, which is fine. Instead you’ve taken to trying to launch yourself out of whoever’s arms or lap you’re in. It’s like you want to jump up and walk away. I keep trying to hold on you as a baby, and you keep insisting on growing up.

You’re also hitting your sleep regression which means that your naps on us are probably coming to an end too, as desperate as I am to keep them going. You are in a slightly grumpy phase that makes you never want to be put down when you’re awake, so I’m getting a lot of cuddles during the day, which helps.

You’re interested in your surroundings, and have been watching intently whenever someone eats something around you. We were all sitting around the dinner table discussing when you might have your first solid food, when G decided to take care of that for you. He grabbed a piece of garlic bread off his plate and so graciously shared it with you (or shoved it in your mouth). Shock followed by uncertainty followed by tears. Apparently garlic is a little spicy for a first food. Maybe you’ll wait a bit for your next taste.

You really enjoyed your first Christmas, even if you had no idea what was going on. Christmas lights were endlessly fascinating to you, and you loved to look at them all day long. Christmas also gave you your new best friend - a crazy pink unicorn that lights up and sings. I handed it to you one day as a joke and you have had eyes only for that unicorn ever since. It immediately stops your tears and you love to hug it close to you. I’ve rescued it from G’s crib already, though, so you’re not the only one who likes it!

Happy four months! I can’t imagine how much you’re going to grow over the next month.

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