As of 10/29/2021
Nick Names: Lulu, Sis-a-lee, Baby
Height: 23.25 inches (78th percentile)
Weight: 12 pounds, 1 ounce (65th percentile)
Head: 15.25 inches (61st percentile)
Special Outings: Family Photos, Target
Visitors: Doula Stacey, Nicole, Alice & Olivia, Rebecca & Cole, Aunt Raina
Loves: Faces, Brothers, Unicorn toy
Hates: Hiccups, Being tired
About halfway through the month, I looked at you and realized you were no longer a newborn. It was shocking and sad. I wasn’t sure how the change had happened so quickly, and was immediately mourning the fact that you’d left the sleepy and squishy phase. It is, of course, an accomplishment for you. You’re growing! You’re one step closer to showing us who you are as an independent person. And pretty quickly I learned to love this new phase too. You love eye contact, and when I coo at you, I can make you smile.
Those smiles came so suddenly, and you give them so freely now. Big toothless grins, little side smirks, and chuckles. You rarely use your dimples, but we’ve confirmed that you do have them though. You’ve also started experimenting with making your own noises now too, which also gets a smile when you manage to get a sound out. You’re awake more during the day, and are starting to enjoy watching us or a toy for a few minutes at a time.
You’ve started to make a few associations - like you know if someone puts a burp cloth under your chin, you’re about to be fed. And you know when we’re trying to put you down for a nap, and you get pretty mad since you don’t want to miss out on, well, anything. You’ve started to fight sleep a bit, but I have (as Tom calls it) a magical armpit. If I hold you in my arms with your face in towards me, you pass out. You’re always mad because you know what I’m doing, but it still works.
You’re such an easy and happy baby, and you rarely cry. You’ve tried a few naps in your crib and are doing okay with sleep at night (although Tom and I are still splitting nights), and your hair is becoming pretty legendary as everyone loves the baby with the mohawk. But mostly you are super patient and let us give your brothers attention as you come along for the ride. I can’t wait until we are a bit more settled in and can all start to learn more about who you are. Besides a super awesome baby.