Life With EFG

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Happy Easter!

I think, for the first time since all this home quarantine stuff started, we had a day that felt normal.

So far, Easter has been a holiday that we celebrate at home. We do egg hunts in our living room, and we spend the day here together. So we were able to do everything pretty much the same this year. It was definitely a relief to have a day where nothing felt cancelled or different. Both G and E were excited to find eggs and made the day a lot of fun.

Part of the reason things worked out, was because I had a feeling when we were first sent home for two weeks, that it would last longer than that. So I started planning for Easter then. That, plus some goodies from my parents meant that the kids actually made out pretty well for Easter. Their baskets were full, the eggs were stuffed with treats, and they even ended up with a big present, even though we weren’t planning on that.

Other parents have been telling us for a while that we needed a water table. And we’d always shrug and say we’re fine. We have a sand box. We have a slide. We have a bucket of water we let them splash in haha. And then Covid19 happened, and we’re stuck at our house. Constantly looking for things to keep us entertained. The sandbox worked well, but throwing sand equals sand in the eyes and mouth, which is usually a game-ender. So we started thinking about a water table - at least when there were tears, we could easily dry them off?

So we went ahead and ordered one a while ago. With the current delays on shipping, we really had no idea when it would arrive. Turns out, it came with just enough time for us to set it up and present it on Easter morning. The kids were both extremely excited, so we spent the rest of the day outside getting really wet.

I would have loved to have family here to join us, but instead we did the next best thing, and took a few videos to share our egg hunt with you.

We also attempted family photos, but the kids were… not really interested? Even though E knew he was getting bribed with treats, I guess that didn’t have the effect I was looking for after a full morning of snacks. Also, am I really supposed to tell them to put down the books for a picture? (Okay fine, I tried and they didn’t listen. Oh well).

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