Life With EFG

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Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

The perfect family holiday where everyone wears beautiful, non wrinkled clothing and smiles at the camera while posing with boldly decorated eggs, and eating delicious meals.

Or not?

It’s hard when that’s all you see online. You know that not everyone’s day went exactly as it looks, but when all you see are the pictures that weren’t deleted, you forget that. I’m definitely guilty of posting the pretty pictures. Would your opinion of my Easter change based on if I posted one of these pictures or the other?

The truth is although we’d been hiding eggs every weekend, I kind of forgot that Easter was a thing. I forgot that we should try to plan something with family or make a big meal or do something. Anything. So it kind of worked out when my sister and I realized we hadn’t seen each other in too long, so she planned a quick day trip with my niece.

I had some extra time on Saturday, so I even managed to sort of pull together an Easter brunch. I used one my mom’s recipes to make a breakfast casserole that even E took a few bites of, and then a lemon blueberry zucchini cake, because why not? That sounds like Easter to me!

Our morning was far from perfect. We abandoned plans to go to the sunrise church service because it felt hard and everyone was tired. We had crying babies and everyone stayed in their PJs until way past noon, and there were occasional melt downs. By the time nap time came around, Tom and I were exhausted and ready for a break. But shortly after, the girls arrived and there were egg hunts and coloring sessions and we played outside for a bit, and it was awesome.

E ate his weight in graham crackers and goldfish, and had a piece of cake on top of that. We dressed the tiny humans in matching shirts because I can, and the baby wore bunny pants that E was wearing at a year.

My niece picked out E’s clothes for the week, which means every day when I see his outfit I’ll think about how much his cousin loves him. It was such a needed boost to do something other than just keep the tinys alive, and I should do it more often.

A perfect day.

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