Life With EFG

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Snow Day

We haven’t had much snow this winter, something that I’d normally be okay with. But the combination of me not having to commute anywhere, and us having a toddler with a new sled to try out had me actually wishing for snow. So of course we got to February with only 5” on record, all of which came with a rain storm which meant it was mushy and gross, and melted the next day.

But finally it came. A few inches of light, powdery snow! So we bundled the kids up, and 20 minutes later headed outside! (Okay maybe not that long, but boy is it annoying to get kids dressed in winter gear. Also one of them got hungry the minute we got outside, so there was a detour for that… )

G didn’t really love it, but as long as we kept his face free from the falling snow he was mostly okay. We did make him amuse us for a bit so we could attempt a snow angel picture, but other than that he pretty much snuggled in our arms.

E got to try out his sled, which meant that Tom practiced his horse skills by running around pulling the sled back and forth across the lawn, and down the hills. It was as fun to watch as you’re picturing. Eventually E got bored with it, and I realized the key to making him super happy to play in the snow - his shovel!

We all know how much E loves to carry around beach and snow shovels, so what better use for them than to actually dig in the snow. Just imagine how excited he’ll be once he figures out how to use his hands while they’re in mittens/gloves!

We didn’t last for that long outside, but it was a small glimpse of all the fun we’ll have in the future. A few hours later when we were inside and warm and cozy, we watched the neighbors outside in the snow running around and having fun. I’m enjoying these days, but I’m just as excited for the ones to come.

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