Life With EFG

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A more detailed post with costumes coming (get excited!), but I’ll give you a special treat for today.

I’m not sure why I didn’t do this with E. Probably because I was an overwhelmed first time parent and this was too much work, but it definitely would have been easier. Mostly because E was only 5 months old at his first Halloween and small for his age, and G… isn’t.

All that meant is that we needed to find a BIG pumpkin that would fit a 10 month old baby.

Hopefully he’ll look back and this and be able to laugh and appreciate that he has a special memory to mark his first Halloween, something that his brother didn’t get. Or maybe not.

Anyway, we’re off to a costume parade, and maybe trick or treating with the older kid? Even though he went when he was younger than G, it seemed silly then, and seems silly to drag the baby around now. So maybe next year…when he can walk!

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