Life With EFG

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The More Things Change...

Recently I was looking at a post from a year ago, and I started laughing at how much it sounded exactly like our life now.  

Maia checking out all the baby stuff? Check!

It's pretty funny how quickly she'll jump on something if she thinks it's for the baby.  Her favorite spot is still the changing table, although she'll take just about anything she can get.  And that car seat she wouldn't test out before?  Officially taken over.  We had a baby gate delivered the other day and before it was even out of the box, she was jumping all over it, claiming it as hers.  As I'm typing this, she jumped in the pack n play and settled down for a nap.

Fire alarms going off randomly? Check!

It's not been as big of a problem, but we have had some random chirps lately that have been causing us headaches.  How I wish this problem was behind us!  Although I am very glad we've had a year of quiet.  Maybe it's time to clean them out again!

Nothing gets done during the week, and weekends are for resting and catching up? CHECK

Most weekends we haven't even managed to get to church!  We're lucky if we leave the house lately haha.  But it's been what we needed - some calm and time at home to just be a family.  Things will get done later.  (Right? RIGHT??)

It's actually kind of comforting to see how little our life has changed.  You worry about what adding a baby will do, but E has fit into our lives perfectly.  We're still a little bit anti social homebodies, who now hang out with a baby at home.  We still keep ourselves busy with little projects around the house, constantly improving and personalizing everything around us.  Maia is still here, acting like she owns the place.  

Yes, we're parents.  And yes, things have changed.  But we're still us.  And that's nice to know. 

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