Life With EFG

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Nursery Round II

It’s been interesting putting this room together. It almost didn’t happen, and then it did, but while we were working on it, we were constantly thinking ahead. Because we know at some point “soon” it won’t be a second nursery, but will be E’s big kid room.

The eventual plan, when E is ready to be out of a crib, will be for the new baby to move into E’s crib, and E to move into this room with a toddler bed. It sounds complicated, but trust me there’s logic there. So it’s interesting that as I’m putting it together, I’m thinking more about it as a toddler’s play room than a baby’s room. We already have a perfectly good baby room next door.

Either way, it’s looking very different today. I just found this picture of the first iteration of this room. Before there was a comforter, and before there was artwork on the walls. Just a generic guest room. We’ve since replaced the death blinds with curtains, and added some plants, but here’s where we started:

You know we’ve painted the walls, but we’ve also moved in a crib and some toys and furniture and even a new tent that we were gifted at a recent baby shower. (Some of you know the struggle we’ve had lately to convince E that it’s super fun).

Then as I was home one day with nothing to do, I decided to start hanging up some art work. I added a map of the United States and another Shepard Fairey print. It’s not done, but at least the walls aren’t empty any more.

E has been loving playing in here every night before bed, and exploring all the new/old baby toys that he hasn’t seen in a year. I’m hoping it will make the transition easier when there’s suddenly someone living in that crib right there (besides the kitty!)

I still have a lot of plans for this rooms, so there will be more changes, but right now it’s super welcoming and ready for us to bring home baby!

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