Final Days as an Only


Tom and I have always been certain that we didn’t want an only child, but unless you start with multiples, you always start a family with an only. It hasn’t been long, but for the past year and a half, E has been our only. And while we know that with his personality he’ll love having a built in playmate, there are a lot of changes coming from him.

So when it got to the point where we were pretty sure we were facing E’s last weekend as an only child, we felt like we should do something?

At the same time, I’m super pregnant and slow, it’s cold and gross outside, and E still has a pretty short attention span. So while E has been really into animals lately, I’m not sure he’s up for going to the aquarium or walking around outside at a zoo. So instead we came up with a more appropriate outing - we went to Petco!

It sounds odd, but we were able to see fish, birds, ferrets, hamsters, guinea pigs and dogs. E was psyched and it was just his speed since he got pretty tired and overwhelmed quickly. We also went to Firehouse Subs, a favorite of Tom and mine, but now also E’s favorite. Reason? Firetrucks! He spent the whole meal looking around and pointing at all the “UCKS!”

We ended the day with a special bath for E, with BUBBLES! We pretty much blew his mind. He wouldn’t sit down for the first few minutes because he was so confused about where his feet had gone, but eventually he warmed up to the bubbles and had so much fun. I think he was in there for over an hour just playing.

So changes or not, at least E had a fun weekend with both of his parents. And honestly he’ll probably do fine the next couple of weeks too, since he’s got some of his favorite people coming to visit. It might take him a while to even notice there’s a new baby around here! (ha, or not).


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