Life With EFG

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Okay, maybe this is an odd thing to get excited about, but here I am. 

We recently bought a dresser for the nursery when we realized the piece of furniture we had originally planned to use wasn't going to work.  The dresser was pretty, and fit the room, but I kept coming back to one thing that was bothering me - the knobs on the drawers. 

They were plain and boring and did not look like something that belonged in the nursery.  Not a huge problem - I figured I'd jump on Amazon or Etsy and buy something I liked better.  Until I realized how much people charge for cute knobs.  We're talking $5 - $10 EACH.  Which is fine... until you realize you need 12 of them. There was just no way I was going to pay that much money for something I liked slightly better.  And so I decided I would paint them myself.  How hard could it be?  

The first thing I realized was that it would be super handy to have a way to stand up the knobs while painting them.  So I pulled out the drill, and old canvas I wasn't using (the only scrap wood could find at the time) and some screws, and made myself a handy knob holder.  And then I broke out the paint and started doodling. 

I went into it with no real plan.  I knew I wanted a sheep (obviously) but other than that I just kind of threw colors on the knobs and made random things.  Sometimes they turned into animals, and sometimes they turned into Captain America shields.  Seems about right. 

The best part was it only took me a few hours and cost me pretty much nothing (I did spring for some new paint, but if we're being honest I had plenty at home already I could have worked with if I needed to). 

They're actually not the easiest thing to see from far away on the dresser (I had to split the picture in half and zoom in on each side to really see any detail below), but that's okay.  I didn't want them to be the focal point of the room, just something fun you'll notice up close.  They're not distracting, but I do think they add a nice personalized element to the room.  

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