Life With EFG

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The Big One

I'm not sure how this happened.  I swear just yesterday we were sitting at Earls Kitchen & Bar and when we were about to leave to head to our movie, Nicole put her hand up and nervously said "but wait, I need to tell you something first."  It was April's Fools Day, but she wasn't joking.

And then I was visiting her in the hospital and marveling over this tiny bean with thick dark hair.  She slept in my arms and I'm not sure I ever saw her eyes.  So tiny, so cute.. opening her mouth to squawk at me. 

We'd continue our dates over the next few months, as she grew and so did my belly.  As her personality continued to develop, so did my love for her.  She is spunky and loud and sweet and curious.  She was there in that same hospital, six months later, just hours after I gave birth to our Bubba.  

The past few months have flown by as dates with my best friend now involve two rapidly growing, amazing tiny humans. 

And yet somehow I'm in disbelief.  ONE YEAR.  How?  She's still this tiny little bean in my arms.  Except she's not.  She's mobile and big and strong and holds on to me as much as I hold on to her in my arms.  

It's weird to feel both sad and excited about this milestone.  But seriously.. where did this year go? 


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