Life With EFG

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Baby No More

I mean he'll always be my baby, and he's not even a year old yet, but still.  Lately he's feeling more kid than baby.  I'm sure once he's mobile it's only going to feel more so that he's not a baby anymore.  And this only drives the point home.  Remember this post?  Go check it out for a second, and then come back here. 

And now look at this. 

He hardly fits in my arms anymore! I feel like I'm doing one of those recreations where grown children pose for their childhood pictures again.  E even seemed in on the joke of it all.  

Every day he's learning something new, getting a little bit stronger, and more independent.  It's sad, but at the same time, so much fun to watch him master something new.  

Also, we had our 6 month doctors appointment (hello shots!) and got an update on height and weight.  He gained about a pound a month (exactly what they're looking for) and is now weighing in at 17.5 pounds!  He even gained a little bit of height and is now 26.25 inches tall.  Still a little peanut there!

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