Life With EFG

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Summer's Not Over

... at least not as long as I'm reliving summer memories.

To me, summer has always been synonymous with Maine.  My family has been going there for years, mostly to the same little town. I have memories in every square inch of that town, and it just feels right to spend part of the summer there. 

So that's what we did a few weeks ago.  A house was rented, family piled in, and vacation commenced.  It's almost impossible to do anything new in that town, but it's fun to "re-vist" sites that are familiar to me, but this time with Tom.  We like to talk about continuing the tradition and one day visiting the same spots with our children.  

For instance, the Nubble lighthouse: 

Probably one of the most well know landmarks of the town, it's a fun spot to visit, especially for photos (one of our many family photos is above on the right).  I actually brought Tom here less than a month after we started dating, but it's not a summer vacation without a trip there. 

Another place we visited was the Sea Rose, a house we rented for a few years, when I was much much younger.  We recreated that group photo as well: 

We even went inside the house and visited with the family we used to rent from.  It was amazing how much I remembered from that house, and how much it still looked the same. 

So while we spent a lot of time looking back, we also spent a good deal of the week looking forward and hanging out with part of the next generation - my niece!  She was a lot of fun and had a great time at the beach.  Of course everyone knows the best part of playing in the ocean is jumping over waves as they come by:

Tom and I also played in the sand, creating possibly the only time I'll ever be taller than him :) The only thing better than getting to be the tall one of the relationship for a bit, was watching him when he tried to get out of the sand and fell over instead.  He was pretty stuck haha.  

Overall it was a great time, and I'm already looking forward to getting back there next summer. 

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