Life With EFG

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Celebrating 30

Last weekend was Linzy's 30th birthday. 

Life can get busy and complicated and full, but turning a new decade is something that should be acknowledged and appreciated.  Becky (Linzy's best friend) thought so too, and planned an incredible getaway for Linzy and some of her friends.

She planned everything - called Linz's boss to make sure she had the weekend off, lined up someone to look after her dogs, and called up a bunch of friends and family to get them to come on the weekend.  She also rented a great place on the beach in Old Orchard, Maine.

Unfortunately there were some last minute complications that prevented two people from coming, but the most important part was that the birthday girl was there!

I drove up Saturday morning and met them, and about 10 minutes after parking the car, we were on the beach!  It was a gorgeous day, and the beach was fairly empty, which gave us some amazing unobstructed views of the water.  We spent some time lying in the sun, and eventually made our way down to the water where we played a game of badminton in the waves (extra points were awarded for anyone willing to dive in the water after the birdie).

Later we headed towards the boardwalk to check out the Ferris wheel, french fries, and even some mini golf.

We capped off the day with some cake and dinner in a tree house restaurant.  Thanks to Lucy for showing us all the best food the area had to offer!  She even got us donuts made with mashed potatoes.  I don't really understand how or why, but you don't question the donuts.  You eat the donuts!

It was an amazing weekend and just the break I needed in the middle of work, studying and unpacking.  It was also great to have some sister time, since I haven't seen Linzy since Christmas. (Way too long!)

Happy birthday Linzy!!

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