Arriving in Washington DC

After spending a few days in Florida, we flew up to Washington DC.  It's kind of silly it's taken me so long to visit, since I've wanted to for years, and there's a rather large group of people to visit there.  As we were flying up to DC, Nicole and Stephen were driving down from Boston.  Once there, we'd meet up with Stephen's brother, Stephen's best friend, and Nicole's brother Mat, who I also grew up with in Vermont (Three out of four of their groomsmen!)  It's a shame DC and Boston isn't closer, because otherwise this group would spend a lot more time together.

Tom and I arrived before the rest of the group, so we decided to visit the holocaust museum (since that's not really a fun group activity) while we were waiting for them.  I won't say much about it, except that if you're a Trump supporter, maybe it's time to stop thinking he's funny and start thinking about how dangerous he could be.  The parallels you can draw are terrifying. 

After that we met up with Stephen, Nicole and Mat, and headed to the airbnb that we'd rented.  It was super cute, steps away from capital hill, and worked perfectly for our stay.  This was my first time renting one, and I was definitely a fan.  It was great for all of us to be able to stay in the same place, and enjoy some amenities that you wouldn't normally get in a hotel, like a full kitchen or dining area. 

Also can we talk for a minute about how people call Boston a walking city?  I guess that's probably because there is more accessible in a shorter distance, but the walking I do in Boston was nothing compared to DC.  Whoo-boy did we end up walking a lot in DC!  I've never been so sore in my life!

Looking at the graph of our vacation, the difference between Florida and DC is amazing.  It's true that 3 of the lowest days were travel days (although I guess March 5th was just a lazy day), but I went for a run twice in Florida and still I only broke 10,000 steps once.  The three days we spent in DC averaged over 20,000 per day.  Even the 5k we ran was nothing compared to all the walking we did.  Yikes.

Have you been to DC?
How much do you usually walk in a day?