Life With EFG

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What Are You Curious About?

I've heard from a few of you that you're enjoying this blog as a peek into our wedding planning process, and its been a fun way to stay updated.  Usually I blog about whatever we've been up to, or if something was particularly fun, but I'm sure I've skipped over a few things (like all of the many packages from etsy that have been showing up at our door lately..)

So let's hear from you!  Don't be shy, leave us a comment!

  • Is there a part of the planning process we haven't mentioned yet and you're wondering how it's going?
  • Are there unanswered questions about the wedding weekend itself that you'd like clarification on?
  • Are there things about Tom or myself that you're curious about? 

Let me know and I'll happily blog away....or maybe I'll get Tom writing some more... he has a suit fitting coming up this weekend - are any of you interested in the process of getting a custom made suit built?

In the meantime, enjoy this random photo dump:

Not only am I a bride, I'm also a Maid of Honor!  Here I am with my Maid of Honor at her Bridal Shower this past weekend, dutifully taking notes as she opened presents.

Are you curious about what we're doing (or where we are) is this recent picture??

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