Life With EFG

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Back to regular programming after this brief weekend...

As most of you know, we're moving this weekend!

While this is a very exciting step for us, right now we're a bit discombobulated and busy!  Everything is in boxes or storage and we're living with just the essentials.  Our kitchen is packed, our chairs are packed, we even had to run to CVS to buy cleaning supplies a few nights ago because ours were in a box somewhere and Maia had a bit of an accident :)

So we might be a bit MIA as we finish this move and then get settled in our new place.  BUT as soon as we are moved and settled, I'm allowed to start decorating for Christmas!  GET EXCITED!!!

She's "helping" us pack

Suuuuper helpful

So until then, I'll leave you with this brief lesson: if you think putting whipped cream on your cat's nose will be hilarious and then she'll lick it off like a dog, you'd be wrong.  Instead she'll freak out, not be able to reach it with her tongue, and then run away from you terrified and hide in a corner for hours trying to get it off with her paws.  Any attempts to help her will NOT be welcomed.

Sorry Maia.

I won't do that again.  But watch out for Tom - I can't speak for him.  He actually found it kind of funny.

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