Life With EFG

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Answers Revealed!

So what do you think - was it painfully obvious whose painting was whose, or did we all follow directions so well that they were impossible to tell apart!?  Any last minute guesses?

Here you go!

Painting A belongs to Tom!

Painting B was done by Stephen!

Painting C was created by Nicole!

And Painting D is mine!

The funny thing is, when you spend so much time focused on your own painting, you end up finding things you hate about it.  I think at the end of the night, we all liked each others better.  We probably should have swapped so we wouldn't constantly be critiquing what's hanging on our own walls! (well ours are currently packed away in a box... but some day they might hang somewhere)

Also, I'll reveal another answer in case any of you were wondering why Nicole was wearing a beer headband in some of these pictures: Apparently the paint bar had run out of their birthday hats, and the new shipment hadn't arrived yet, so they pulled out these headbands.  There were a ton of different options, but they decided Nicole should have the beer one since they thought it was funny that she is a substance abuse counselor, married to a liquor distributor. (It's not obvious in the pictures, but she wasn't the only one wearing a headband with things sticking out of it.  She also got a free birthday candy bar!)

The Birthday girl!!

The best picture we managed to take together over the entire weekend...

I kind of like it upside down - it looks like a sunset over mountains near a lake!

This weekend Nicole and I will be continuing her birthday celebrations (turning 30 deserves lots of fanfare!) in Newport, RI!  I only feel a little bad about leaving Tom to pack up the condo and move boxes around by himself this weekend. He also has the day off today and is probably currently still sleeping after seeing his favorite dragon fighting band live last night.  He's doing okay :)

One final thing to leave you with, and start your weekend off right:

Par for the course when we get together :)

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