Life With EFG

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Meet the (junior) Bridesmaids: Zaida

Zaida Josephine Grace
Junior Bridesmaid, Niece of Bride
Working at being awesome

Zaida is my niece, and both reminds me of myself when I was younger and surprises me all the time by being her own, totally independent and amazing person.

She's the only person I know who can pull off a glitter vest, fedora, and one glove at the same time.  She isn't afraid to express herself and what she likes.  I often have to remind myself of how old she is, since she often acts (and wishes she were!) much older.  

Last summer, Zaida came to visit me for the weekend.  While she was here, I promised her we'd do something her brother has never done in Boston.  Ironically, the special thing we ended up doing was visiting the Skywalk Observatory - the very place we'll hold our reception!  It was a special time, and reminded me of the time I spent in NYC visiting her mom when I was about her age.

Zaida's excitement is contagious and I can't wait to have her be part of our wedding.  Every time something related to wedding planning stresses me out, I think about her and she brings back my pure joy and happiness.  I'm so happy she can be a part of our big day, and have no doubt she'll probably steal the show. 

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