Baby G Firsts

Similarly to what I did for baby E, I've decided to track all of baby G's milestones in one place.  Not to compare the two, but so that when someone asks me later when they started doing X, I have a chance of remembering. I'll try to update periodically, but I can't promise to remember everything!


First Doctor's Visit: 12/26/2018

First Movie: Vice on 1/14/2019 at 3 weeks old.

First Roll (stomach to back): 5/04/2019 at 4 months old, but still not consistent.

First Roll (back to stomach): Did it 5 times in one day on 5/08/2019 at 4 months old. No more swaddling at night!

First Babysitter: G stayed home with Grandma June 3 - 7 (at 5 months old) since daycare hadn’t started yet, followed quickly by his second babysitter, Aunt Raina two weeks later. First babysitter where Mama and Dad went out on a date was 9/22/2019 at 9 months.

Sitting Up: 6/18/2019 at 6 months old. Went from not knowing how to being a pro in two days time.

First day of school: 7/01/2019 at 6 months old. He went for two and a half days the first week due to the holiday, and then started a full week the following Monday.

First time out of State: 7/27/2019 at 7 months old. From Massachusetts to New Hampshire to Maine for a week’s vacation.

First Red Sox Game: 9/29/2019 at 9 months old, against the Orioles. Red Sox win!

Waving: 10/01/2019 at 9 months old. Not something he’s mastered, but will occasionally do. Becomes a normal thing by 12/12/2019 at 11.5 months. Waves goodbye at daycare every day.

First night away from Mama: 10/05/2019 at 9 months old. Mama gets a night away as her belated Mother’s Day gift.

Pulls up to Standing: 10/16/2019 at 9.5 months old. It takes almost a month for it to become a regular thing that he likes to do, but he’s able at this point.

First Tooth:  11/17/2019 at 10.5 months old! We’re not really sure when it came, since we had no complains from G, but it’s here!

Crawling: He woke up on 11/24/2019 and started crawling. He still likes his army/swim/flop, but has been crawling more and more every week.

Second Tooth: Second (and third) teeth appeared on 12/01/2019 at 11 months old. His two bottom center teeth started to pop out.

Clapping: Figured it out on 12/15/2019 and is extremely happy.

First Steps: 3/25/2020 at 15 months. We put baby shark on, and he walked straight across the room - TWICE.

Walking regularly: 4/07/2020 at 15 months, he’s walking/running all over the place, and excited to figure out how to ride his bike.

First Ice Cream: 6/21/2020 at 18 months to celebrate his one and a half birthday

First Plane Ride: 3/08/2022 at 3 years old (and again a week later!)

First Night in Toddler Bed: 4/15/2022 at 3 years old

First night away from Dad: 3/30/2023 at 4 years old

Baby first bath Luvs.jpg

Bath time

Tom and my favorite TV commercial is the luv’s diaper ad with the first time and second time parents attempting bath time. It’s so us. With E, we were terrified to give him a bath, and made our visitors do it for us. With G, its just part of our day. So his first sponge bath happened on 1/2/2019, and his first real bath was on 1/11/2019, which I did solo when I was home with him and he spit up everywhere. We’ve since even done parallel baths with Tom giving E a bath in the bathtub and me giving G one in his baby tub.

G’s first bath sitting in the big tub by himself was on 12/15/2019 at 11 and a half months. Since then, the boys have been taking baths together, seeing who can splash who the most!



G’s first night sleeping through without waking or eating, was 4/13/2019 at 3 and a half months old. Since then he’s gone back and forth between sleeping through the night and keeping us up all night long. 4/29/2019 was his first night alone in his crib, at 4 months old. Between 4 and 6 months old he would sleep through the night a few times a week, and scream for a few hours a few nights. By 6 months old he’s pretty much sleeping through the night consistently.




G is a great mimic, and we can often get him to repeat words we say. However none of them really have meaning for him, and he’d only say them if we said them first. So we’re calling his first word “Uh oh” which he started saying on 11/05/2019 at 10 months old, and seems to actually understand what it means, and will say it unprompted.

By his first birthday, he added a bunch more words and was working on putting them together to form sentences. Still, he only talks on his own terms. He’ll almost never talk or repeat a word if you ask him to. Turn around and don’t pay attention to him, and that’s when he’ll start talking.



We started giving G food around 5 months. He tried purees on 5/18/2019 for the first time, and had a green pepper a few days later. Over the next month we introduced a bunch of new foods, whatever E happened to be eating at the time. One things for sure, G LOVES food.

By 7 months G was eating 3+ meals a day, and consuming more food than his older brother. Bottles went away at 1 year when he moved out of the infant room at daycare.