Baby F Firsts

Similarly to what I did for the other two, here’s where I’ll track all of baby F's milestones in one place. Again, not to compare, but so that when someone asks me later when they started doing X, I have a chance of remembering.


First Doctor's Visit: 09/03/2021

First Roll (stomach to back): 11/09/2021 at 2 months old. Mostly accidentally, doing it more regularly by 4.5 months.

First Roll (back to stomach): 11/17/2021 at 2.5 months. Three times in one day while swaddled. Doing it often by 4.5 months.

First day of school: 2/07/2021 at 5 months

Sitting Up: 2/25/2027 at 6 months

First Plane Ride: 03/08/2022 at 6 months old (and again a week later to come home!)

First time out of State: 03/08/2022 Since her first plane trip was to another state, we’ll count it. First road trip out of state was at 9 months on 6/03/2022

Crawling: 04/24/2022 at 8 Months she crawled a few steps at a time. Within a week she was fast!

Pulls up to Standing: 05/18/2022 at 8.5 months. She’s taking steps while holding on to something by 5/30/2022.

Waving: 6/06/2022 at 9 months I noticed her starting to wave back at people.

Crawling up stairs: 06/07/2022 at 9 months after trying to figure it out for a few days.

First Steps: 07/06/2022 at 10 months she took 3 steps on her own.

First Tooth:  07/08/2022 at 10 months we found a little crooked tooth coming in on the bottom!

Second Tooth: 07/10/2022 just a few days after we found the first one.

Walking Regularly: 07/26/2022 at 11 months old.

Clapping: 08/07/2022 at 11 months old.

First Night Away from Dad: 3/30/2023 at 18 months old.

First Movie in the theaters: 4/07/2023 Super Mario Brothers at 18 months old.

First night away from Mama: 5/09/2023 at 18 months old. F doesn’t understand facetime.


Bath Time

Baby F got her first sponge bath at home on 9/07/2021. She hated it, but G thought it was hilarious. Her first real bath in water was a week later on 9/18/2021. She loves to kick her feet!



Started sleeping in the pack n play in our room at 4.5 months old, on January 11, 2022. She spent her first night alone in her ‘own room’ (my office) at 6 months, on February 28, 2022 which was also the first night she went the entire night without eating! Then she really surprised us by sleeping through the very next night, March 1, 2022. I guess she really wanted her own room…

She eventually moved into her crib in her room on the 3rd floor in November 2022. After a sleep regression she was back to sleeping amazing by 18 months.



E thinks her first word will be “hiccup”

As of October 1st, 2022, she’s occasionally saying things that sound pretty close to “hi” or “uh oh” but not regularly. We’ve also heard something that sounds like E’s name a few times, but again not consistent. She also says Mama a lot.

She’s honestly so good at getting her point across with no words or sign language, she doesn’t really see a need to talk much. By 18 months she finally started using words more regularly.



We’d been discussing when F would try her first food at dinner one night, when G so thoughtfully decided to share his dinner and stuck a piece of garlic bread in her mouth. While she didn’t like that, she enjoyed the zucchini she tried at 4.5 months on 1/14/2022 much better.