Life With EFG

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Update on the Oldest Child

We officially have a kindergarten graduate!

Just like everyone says, the year went super fast and they grew and changed so much during the year. They’re more confident, they’re more independent, and they have more snappy comebacks.

They’re still my shadow, always attached to my side and wants to be doing everything that I’m doing. They’ll purposely wake up early just to spend extra time with me, and if we’re separated for a short period of time, they act as if it’s been years. They are absolutely happiest when they have my undivided attention.

They love to play games, both board games and sports (but only if they get to make up the rules). They don’t want to do anything unless they’re good at it, or believes they’re the best. They doesn’t like to lose or show weakness. Privately they’re sensitive and take in everything they hear as personal. Days later I’ll get out of them something a friend said that they’ve internalized. They can put on a confident front at school, but around those they’re comfortable, the emotions come through.

Although they are starting to hide their true feelings, especially if they know they did something they shouldn’t. So we’ve been hearing a lot of “It doesn’t matter/I don’t care!” even though that very much isn’t the truth. They also care so deeply about everything being FAIR, and it’s hard to teach them that life never will be. They spend their day measuring every bit of snack, number of toys or minutes of attention.

They love talking to new people, telling them stories, and even making them cards. They’ve been known to crawl under a church pew and hand someone they just met a picture they drew them.

They’re desperately trying to figure out who they are and where they fit in the world, especially compared to everyone else’s opinions and expectations. It’s not going to be easy, but I’m excited to watch who they become.

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