Nick Names: Sweetness, E
Height: 42.5 inches
Weight: 39.2 pounds
Favorite Color: Pink and Purple
Favorite Food: Candy, Mac & Cheese, Bagels, Pancakes, Whipped Cream
Other Favorites: Unicorns, Superheros, Puzzles, Mazes, Frisbee, Soccer, Swinging, Legos
It’s been a big year. E has almost finished Kindergarten and has grown so much over the past year. He has learned many new skills. We’ve seen him crush math worksheets, utilize new art skills which landed him a spot in the town wide art show, and enter the beginning stages of learning how to read. He comes home daily with new knowledge about things we’ve never discussed - it’s equally thrilling and scary to no longer be the only source of information in his life.
He regularly does 200-500 piece puzzles and non stop Lego kits that he takes apart and uses to build something else. He’s less into coloring, but loves making cards for people. He still loves crafts but dislikes painting. He loves running until his hair is wet and sweaty, but also loves to sit and cuddle with me - often waking up an hour before anyone else to find me in the house and get alone time with me.
He is an amazing brother and loves to make his siblings happy. He is their protector, but also their prosecutor if he thinks they’ve stepped out of line. He takes it personally if the baby decides she doesn’t want to hug him or play with him, and loves nothing more than when G is excited about what he’s excited about.
We have been watching him become more and more his own person and become confident in who that is. As that happens I’ll probably post less specifics about him on here, but just enough for me to be able to remember him at this unique time. I hope he’s always as sure in what makes him happy and never listens to the kids who tell him he’s supposed to be one thing or another.
Happy 6th Birthday!