Life With EFG

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Kiddo Updates

I feel like I need to do a kid update. Not the annual birthday one either. More a, this is where we are in life right now. Because I think to myself that not much has changed or happened, and then I read an old post and realize my children have gotten SO BIG and I don’t know when that happened.

They also change so much in the moment, that it’s hard to capture them. They can be outgoing and confident one minute, and shy and quiet the next. They may love their sibling one day, be super helpful and gentle, and the next day want nothing to do with them. So here’s the best summary I can come up with, totally off the top of my head and probably influenced by what they’ve done the past two days.

E - Starting Kindergarten in a few weeks!

He may act wild and confident at times, even walking up to strangers to tell them all about our family, but he really is so sensitive at heart. He’ll ask me why I have an annoyed or sad face, and if one of his siblings is upset, he wants to do everything to make them feel better, even if it means giving away his own toys or treats. Getting corrected or told no will make him instantly sad and ashamed, and sometimes I need to remind myself to be gentle with him, even if we’re in a rush or multiple things are demanding my attention. He just feels things so deeply. He’s the one who will cry on the car ride home from visiting someone because he misses them so much already, and ask me if he can send cards in the mail to a family member on a random day.

He loves holidays and celebrations and making ordinary days extra fun and exciting. He always wants to know when the next family vacation will be, or what special outing comes next. When he likes something, he goes all in, and lights up so much when you get him a toy or shirt that goes along with his current obsessions. Food is mostly annoying to him, unless it’s dessert, and then he can talk nonstop about key lime pie and cheescake and what cookies are best.

He picks things up quick and is usually pretty good at what he’s doing, but that means that he hates being wrong or when he doesn’t know something. He expects everything he does to turn out perfect, and because it often does, the disappointment if it doesn’t it big. He wants to cuddle all day every day, and would love to have me sleep in his bed every night. He still sleeps with the light on, but less and less scares him every day (unless it’s thunder, and well I’m still scared of that). He is getting really good at independent imaginative play, and will often stay up at night and make elaborate cards or drawings to give me in the morning.

G - In preschool

He pronounces TV as “tuhh-vee” like he has an accent. He tries so hard to do everything his older brother does, that sometimes I forget that he isn’t the same age. I’m constantly reminding myself and saying aloud “He is only three years old.” Because that’s important. It reminds us that he’s quicker to outbursts of big emotions, and that’s completely okay.

He still loves food. If I’m eating something, he’ll magically appear and want to share it with me, no matter what I’m eating. He’s the most adventurous when it comes to trying new things, especially if his older brother isn’t around. And the best way to know that he loves you and wants you to know it, is if he offers you a bite of whatever he’s eating. It makes him so happy to feed others.

He loves his space and does not like to be cuddled when he’s hurt or sad. Instead he’ll hold an ice pack, cuddle his baa baas, or lie on the ground. When he does come up and decide to cuddle with me, it makes it even more special. He likes to run, but he’s not big on climbing or swinging from playground equipment, and loves his bike less than his brother too. Sand boxes are more his speed.

He’s not big into art, and hates being told to color in the lines. He likes a few movies or shows here and there, but is not one to get obsessed over a character or want any toys or shirts with specific characters. In fact, if you ask him what he wants, he doesn’t know. It’s hard to get him presents because there’s nothing that he really wants, and everything makes him happy.

He is the sweetest and gentlest, and loves to play with his little sister and make her happy. He is also the biggest and strongest and most expressive of emotions. You’ll never wonder what he’s feeling.

F - Still in the infant room at daycare, but does not act like it

This baby. She is developing a personality fast. She will not smile because you want her to, she will not be put down just because your arms are tired, and she will not eat the food you put in front of her even though her body needs it to function. She is going to turn into everything I’ve wanted in a daughter - strong willed, unafraid to say no, confident in herself. Except I didn’t realize what that would mean to actually parent a child like that!

So while she may not be easy, she’s certainly awesome. Most of the time she has a very stoic face, and you have no idea what’s going on in her head. She’s perfectly content to survey everything from her perch in Tom’s arms. The minute he tries to put her down or hand her to someone else, she screams and produces so many tears that everyone is sure she’s hurt herself.

While she does like to explore and play, it’s only on her terms. Never because she’s been put down in front of what we think is something fun. But if she does decide she wants to explore? She is off and RUNNING. And when she finds something that amuses her, she giggles non stop and it’s the best. Her and G have a great bond right now, where the two of them will play with each other and make each other laugh back and forth over and over.

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