Life With EFG

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I’m not sure if this is good news or not, but on day 2 or 3 of no daycare for the smallest Spearson, she woke up with a fever and was pretty much miserable all day. So even if daycare had been open, she wouldn’t have been able to attend anyway! Our day was filled with lots of crying and less eating than usual, but she did take some great naps which helped us get through the day.

At one point I was attending a meeting (that some may describe as boring) and had F on my lap. I had been worried she was going to be loud and disruptive, but was pleasantly surprised that she was quiet and I was able to get through the meeting without incident. Towards the end, though, someone pointed out that it looked like it might be nap time, as F’s eyes kept closing. And this baby has not passed out in anyone’s arms in MONTHS. So while my coworkers may have claimed it was due to the boring meeting topic, I think her poor body was just sick and tired.

We got mostly through the day, though, and the end was in sight. The older siblings had been picked up and were eating dinner, and I’d even gotten F to eat some applesauce - so I was patting myself on the back for getting her to eat something that would keep her hydrated. F was still against being put down, so I was carrying her around the kitchen as I cut up some fruit and fulfilled other random requests from the older two. And then it happened.

Baby vomit. EVERYWHERE.

All over me. All over her. All over the floor.

It was so bad, I didn’t even know how to have Tom help. I ended up just holding her for a while so Tom could clean the floor a bit, and then we took her straight to the bath. I threw the TV remote at E and told him to put on a movie and to stay at the table and just hoped for the best!

As gross and awful as it was, the baby actually seemed to feel quite a bit better after that. She started playing with her toys, let us put her down for the first time all day, and I got an actual giggle out of her. Hopefully that’s the end of that, and no one else catches whatever bug she seems to have.

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