Life With EFG

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Quick Update

Oh hi, it’s me.

I’ve been silent because life is insane lately. Work is horrible and overwhelming and there’s so much going on I could be working around the clock. Luckily I know how to set a strong boundary, but that just means that my boss is cranky and I’m pissed and everyone is miserable. But yes, let’s take on some more projects.

So I tend to leave work not in the best mood, to go pick up a Kindergartener who feels similar, and then we throw on some kids home from a long day of daycare and everyone could use a little grace lately. And some 1:1 Mama time (which is nearly impossible to come by). We were rescued during Veteran’s day weekend when my parents and Aunt Linzy came to visit. Besides the kids being thrilled, it gave us just enough breathing room for me to relax a bit and Tom to cross some things off our lists and leave us feeling a little less like we were drowning. I’m hopeful Thanksgiving will do the same.

For more concrete updates about what’s going on with us, we’ll start with the oldest.

E is full in Kindergarten mode. He takes the bus like a pro, manages his folder that goes back and forth, and eats school lunch every day. Some areas he’s excelling in – math (are we surprised?), coloring (apparently that’s its own subject) and specials (like gym, art or music). He also loves circle time and most general learning. He’s also struggling a bit in a few areas, some social and some academic. I’m a more concerned about one than the other, but E’s definitely more concerned than me about both. He’ll get there.

G is still pretty annoyed that he has to wait 2 more years to go to Kindergarten and is kind of over this pre school thing. He’s also our master manipulator, for good or bad. He can bring on very convincing tears in seconds if he thinks he’s about to get in trouble, and can butter you up like no one else. If he notices I have a grumpy face, he’ll immediately say “Mama, I love you. I was so sad because I missed you so much today!” and if I don’t immediately break into a smile he’ll ask my why my face still looks like that. E does this to an extent too – he’ll draw me a picture or cuddle with me if he thinks I’m sad.. but for some reason when G does it, it seems a bit more like he’s trying to avoid trouble.

G still refuses to be bribed by or want for anything. It’s so hard to create a Christmas list for this kid, because there’s nothing that he really wants. (Although this does mean that on the rare occasion that he does ask for something, I pretty much fall over myself to give it to him!). He plays with what’s in front of him, he loves his two specific baa baas, and is generally just a happy kid. As long as he’s where the fun is happening and feels like he’s on equal footing to his brother, he’s good.

Now let’s talk about the baby. She hasn’t been sleeping much lately, and it’s been hard. She just cut her top two teeth at the same time, and from the screams I’m going to assume it hurt. They’re still hard to see, but I did get a peak recently and they look huge. When these come down she’ll officially have 5 teeth and maybe will start eating more solid foods. For now she’s team soft foods – mostly yogurt and pouches. I think she may also be going through either a general sleep regression or separation anxiety phase. Either way, it’s leading to a lot of crying at bedtime and not a lot of sleep. We’ve tried everything, even whipped cream on a spoon (which worked one night!)

So while she was not sleeping anyway, and pacifiers were not helping, we decided to just get rid of them. She was using them more during the day than at night, and it was time for the whole family to say goodbye. We talked a lot about it, made a plan and counted down the days, and when we said goodbye we had a mini party with gifts and candy. And it wasn’t that bad.

I’m not sure why we’re still feeling overwhelmed. We’re tired, but it could be worse. Work is unrelenting, and so is raising three small children.. but I feel like we used to be able to keep up with the house a bit better. I’ve been trying to purge, but I feel like it’s impossible to keep up. I feel like I need a full month off to just organize this house.

Among other things.. I realized I never sent out thanks yous from F’s birthday which if you know me, is VERY unlike me. I usually order special cards that fit the theme or have a photo on them. I have lists of gifts received.. and it just did not happen. So let that be an example of how well I’m functioning these days. Something had to give with the third child, and while I’m not going to make it habit, I’m trying not to feel too guilty about it. At least the Christmas cards have been ordered. If I ever don’t send out Christmas cards, then you know that something is seriously wrong.

Overwhelmed or not, it’s the season of magic and you know I’ve got things planned. Stay tuned.

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