Life With EFG

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More Fall Fun

Okay we’re going to ignore how tired Tom and I are and how never ending life seems, and pretend life is all candy corn and pumpkin spice instead, just like my coffee.

We’ve been indulging the kids and doing all the fall activities lately. We’ve made mummy brownies and bat cookies. We’ve painted decorations, carved pumpkins and made monsters with popsicle sticks, cotton ball ghosts and Halloween sand art crafts.

We’ve gone to pumpkin patches, ate cider donuts, and gotten lost in corn mazes. We’ve picked our costumes and taken pictures in matching PJs. I really think we’re ready for Halloween at this point, but we have probably another 4 - 5 events before the day!

The past few years we’ve skipped the big farm in October and gone to a local garden center to “pick” pumpkins. We love the early hours, no crowds, easiness of it. This year for some reason I thought we might be able to brave the farm. We’re starting to get the hang of 3 kids, naps are getting better.. we decided to try it.

Well I’m not sure what happened, but apparently every person in Massachusetts had the same idea. I have never seen crowds like this. I even looked back at pictures from when we went when E was a baby, and crowds were nothing like this. So either we were lucky then (or unlucky now), or more people have decided this is the thing to do in October? So I’m not sure we’ll ever do this again. It was that bad. Especially because we have so much fun going in the middle of the summer when no one’s there.

So the next day we went back to our garden center. We were the only ones there, and they had their mini corn maze back! We let the kids do it over and over again (and it’s small enough no one gets lost or stuck!). I think they did it 20 times in a row, and it was the perfect speed for us.

We’ve yet to do any costumed events, so we’ll see if I actually get the kids in the coordinated costumes or not. G is still insistent on wearing last year’s costume, and F hates having any sort of hood or hat on, so I’m assuming most of the time the costumes will be a fail. Since we have multiple costume opportunities upcoming, I’m hoping for just one picture with them all wearing them. We’ll see!

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