Life With EFG

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The Crazy Sets In

We’re creeping up on our two year anniversary of being home. Our two year anniversary of our two week home quarantine. There’s a whole lot of feelings that accompany that, but right now I’m more focused on the fact that I’m going crazy. Two years of not really leaving your house will do that, I’m sure. But here’s the clear evidence: we decided to potty train and sleep train at the same time. I’m not sure how or why this happened, but this is where we’ve found ourselves. We had grand plans to send the third child to daycare so we’d have some time at home to focus a bit more, but daycare messed up those plans. They claimed that one child was sick, so they sent home the whole family. Fine policy in theory I guess, but this is the second time they’ve done that, and we’ve yet to see an actual sick kid. Apparently one of the tiny ones have discovered an easy way to make the teacher believe they’re “sick” and get sent home. I really thought I had years before this level of treachery.

So we found ourselves stuck a home (again) and somehow decided it was a great time to also teach the baby how to sleep independently in a crib. I’m pretty much surviving on fumes and take out at this point, because there is no way I’m in the head space to actually put together food for myself. Unless it’s pancakes or something else elaborate the children asked for, because I’m big into little wins for them. Life is so sad and weird right now; I find myself wanting to make them happy in small ways. If it doesn’t really cost anything to say yes, even if my first instinct is to say no, I’ve been trying to say yes. Sure, we can make pancakes. Sure, we can pull the couch apart and make a fort. Sure, you can jump on top of me. Sure, you can wear that. Whatever little spark of happiness we can get.

I’m counting the days down until daycare opens up again, hoping we can survive until then. And really hoping that by then we’ll have another potty-trained child and another child who can sleep independently. We are MUCH closer on one of them than the other. Please send help. And coffee.

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