Life With EFG

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The End is (Not so) Near

34 Weeks

So the good news is that I’m recovered from my cold and feeling much better. Iron has kicked in, so I’m not living in a fog anymore either. The bad news is that I’m just done. I never understood needing to go on maternity leave early, but I think I might need to this time. I’m big and slow, yes, but mentally I’m just at the end of what I’m able to do. My feet have also reached that point - I can’t stand for very long before they start hurting either.

It’s odd, because I’m actually feeling better than this point in other pregnancies. Knock on all the wood, but no sciatica pain (it’s only popped up randomly, not constant like in G’s pregnancy), heartburn is occasional too, but mostly under control. Baby is also pretty low, so breathing is mostly okay. My mind has just already shifted to being in that newborn phase, and it’s making doing anything else hard. I can either focus on work, the kids, or the home. It’s pick one and let the others suffer.

So my thinking is if I can get work off my list, I might be able to at least get some control over this house before baby gets here. It would be nice if I could sort through some clothes or tackle some of the many piles I’ve made lately and haven’t done anything with. The good news is, I have a lot of vacation days that I need to take soon, so I’m doing just that. I think it’s helping.

I’ll get there, eventually. It feels weird wishing the summer away, since I count down to it all year long. We are having fun - we’ve visited a few of our favorite places, visited some family, and spent many hours outside in the sprinkler. It’s just I’d be having more fun if I wasn’t pregnant haha.

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