Life With EFG

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Official Start to Summer

There haven’t been many food cravings lately, but there was one thing I was looking forward to. Strawberry season - specifically strawberry shortcake season! So I’d been watching my favorite small farm closely for news of their opening. And when it came, we just so happened to not have any plans. We had to go!

It’s definitely not the flashiest farm in the area, but that’s why I love it. I get too overwhelmed at the big places, especially with small children. This one opens early, has yummy food, and plenty of space to run around. It also has enough animals that it keeps the children happy. Remember that zoo trip we tried? It has nothing on farm animals!

Seriously G was trying to climb into the sheep enclosure, and I’m pretty sure E is ready to bring home a bunny. Something about these farm animals speaks to them more than monkeys and giraffes. G even got brave enough to feed the sheep right out of his hands! Even if he did shout “Eeek! Don’t eat it, my fingers!” at them afterwards.

We stay only as long as the children are entertained, and eat as much yummy food as we like. Strawberry shortcake (good to the last drop - ask G!), donuts and even some lemon blueberry scones, although we managed to save those for home. It’s just a great way to spend the morning that leaves everyone happy and ready for nap time. I couldn’t ask for more!

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