Life With EFG

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9 Weeks

How much can one pregnant person sleep? It seems like I’m on my way to discover that. I’m taking naps along with the kids, and falling asleep as soon as they go to bed at night. This baby is sucking all the life from me. The baby part has been verified, by the way.

Some things are weird with Covid, some are comfortingly the same. Despite wearing a mask and avoiding the waiting room, the ultrasounds was the same as any one I’ve had before. The same worries and anxieties are there, quickly replaced by excitement and wonder as, wow there’s really a baby there.

“Hi Baby!” the ultrasound tech announced almost immediately. We verified a heartbeat, pointed out an arm and two little legs that we could see kicking. Third time around, and still as shocking each time.

One thing that’s different this time, although not because of Covid - I’m officially of advance maternal age haha. The funny thing is, it doesn’t really mean much. When I asked what would change in the pregnancy, they said I’d have to have my anatomy scan with the high risk team, and I’d have an extra ultrasound at 32 weeks. Which is actually less monitoring than I had with my two previous pregnancies.

Due to my placenta previa and marginal cord insertion, I’m quite familiar with the high risk team, and had more ultrasounds with them than I can count at this point. Odds are pretty high I’ll have at least one of those recur again this pregnancy, so I might as well start off with the high risk group. I figure I’d get kicked there eventually anyway.

The one thing this pregnancy has done, is give us a nice distraction in the middle of a very cold and boring month. I hated January before, but now I really hate January. At least before we had trips to Lowe’s or McDonalds. Lately we’re just stuck inside the house running in circles and waiting for the day something changes. It will be forever before Tom or I are offered the vaccine, so right now I’m just waiting for days when the temperature hits 50 and we can play outside all day.

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